Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention: Prices for services and service codes can be found on the website of the institution in the section Paid services and by phone (04622) 5-32-91 (room 223)



Due to the long-term effect of forced restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which can lead to a sharp deterioration in the psychological state of people (increase in divorces, mental disorders, suicides, etc.) and taking into account the experience of other countries, the All-Ukrainian Center for Online Emotional Support and Psychological Assistance to the Population in Countering COVID-19 was created.

ALSO, a virtual platform of emotional support of the Monitoring Center of the Kyiv City State Administration to counteract COVID-19 (, which is located on the portal of the Educational Hub of Kyiv (at the link

Within the framework of this project, every Ukrainian has the opportunity to receive free individual consultations from certified psychologists and trainers-practitioners in emotional intelligence of the Educational Hub of Kyiv.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment