Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention: Prices for services and service codes can be found on the website of the institution in the section Paid services and by phone (04622) 5-32-91 (room 223)


Age live - age learn!

By the Department of Infectious Disease Control "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Chernihiv Region" on 07/20/2023. training was conducted from PIIC on the stage of reprocessing according to the SOP "Sterilization of medical devices in the sterilization room" for those responsible for compliance with the requirements of this SOP: senior nurses of medical clinics and hospitals, medical nurses who work in the sterilization room and have a special permit.
Senior medical nurse Olena Mykhailichenko organized comfortable conditions for the practical part of the event. Maryna Duka, the coordinator of education and training from PIIC, a doctor-epidemiologist of the VIK, prepared concise printed reminders-summaries and talked about the main stages of reprocessing, the goal, the regulatory framework, the organization of the process and quality control of sterilization, risks and their management. Tetyana Protsenko, a medical nurse at the polyclinic, demonstrated the procedure for performing the procedure. We thank everyone for working together in a pleasant working atmosphere. We are waiting for a test of knowledge, practical skills and feedback.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment