Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention: Prices for services and service codes can be found on the website of the institution in the section Paid services and by phone (04622) 5-32-91 (room 223)



Голова Нацполіції Іван Вигівський відвідав поранених поліцейських які проходять лікування в ДУ «ТМО МВС по Чернігівській області»

Голова Нацполіції Іван Вигівський відвідав поранених поліцейських які проходять лікування в ДУ «ТМО МВС по Чернігівській області»Read more…

Lethal devices

The State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv Region" held a training on the dangers of lethal devicesRead more…

Strengthening fire safety

To strengthen fire safety, theoretical and practical training on fire prevention was conducted with the staff of the institution in the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv region".Read more…


The Department of Infection Control of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv Region" warns: "For the first time in 15 years, a case of death from rabies was recorded in Vinnytsia region"Read more…


In order to raise awareness of employees on information security issues, on 13.09.2023, the State Institution "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv region" held a training on the topic: "PHISHING. FISHING OR HUNTING FOR PERSONAL DATA".Read more…


On 17 August 2023, a lecture was held on the topic: "Changes in the legislation of Ukraine in connection with the termination of the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine and its accession to the Pension Fund of Ukraine"Read more…

Ukrainian Statehood Day

The holiday is young, on the other hand, it is aimed deep into the ages — in order to confirm the continuity of over a thousand-year-old traditions of Ukrainian state-building.Read more…


For the middle and junior medical staff of the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Chernihiv region" of the State Educational Institution, psychotherapist A.M. Nugaev. a lectureRead more…

Age live - age learn!

By the Department of Infectious Disease Control "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Chernihiv Region" on 07/20/2023. training was conductedRead more…

Communication issues, communication skills

Issues of communication, communication skills of medical workers of health care institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine who were in captivity, policemen who were in the zone of hostilities unleashed by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against UkraineRead more…

Civil Protection

In order to train the working population of the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Chernihiv region" on civil protectionRead more…

Day of embroidery

Every third Thursday in May, Ukraine celebrates Vyshyvanka Day. It is very easy to join the celebration: just wear a traditional embroidered shirt on this day. The holiday is not official or religious, but it unites the whole country and Ukrainians abroad, which makes it truly bright and beautiful.Read more…

Endoscopic septoplasty

Operative intervention was carried out by Anton Petrov, an otolaryngologist of the surgical department of the hospital "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chernihiv region".Read more…


The project involves the collection and delivery of books to defenders of Ukraine who are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in healthcare facilities of the Ministry of Internal AffairsRead more…

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays: Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming holidays: Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you good health, well-being, prosperity, and God's grace! May the New Year be rich in goodness, generous in success, and good luck to you! May your work always be necessary and useful, and your successes are significant and convincing! Let the coming year be bright, happy, and peaceful, and let Christmas fill your heart with love, hope, and faith! Happiness to you, further professional achievements, and peace and harmony in the family. Happy and good fortune, and let confidence in the future always fill your heart! Warmth and light in your home!Read more…


Due to the long-term effect of forced restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which can lead to a sharp deterioration in the psychological state of people and taking into account the experience of other countries, the All-Ukrainian Center for Online Emotional Support and Psychological Assistance to the Population in Countering COVID-19 was created.Read more…

Memo on COVID-19

MEMO on precautions to reduce the risk of infection with the new coronavirus infection and to maintain personal and public hygiene.Read more…

Meeting with employees of UPP and GUNP

Pursuant to the instruction of the OCD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 08.08.2019 No. 33/1-1758, the head of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv region" - a doctor - held a meeting with the management and employees of the Police Department in Chernihiv region on the procedure for medical care, including preferential medical rehabilitation, sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation of police officers and their families in health care institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Read more…


In June 2019, the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv region" received a new kerato-refractometer, which is used by ophthalmologists to examine candidates for service, police officers and servicemen of the National Guard.Read more…

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a system of systematic influences by certain means on the human psyche in order to improve its mental and physical condition.Read more…

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment