Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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Endoscopic septoplasty

The patient came to the surgical department of the hospital of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chernihiv Oblast" with complaints of significant difficulty in nasal breathing on both sides, frequent headaches, snoring, and periodic nosebleeds from one-half of the nose.

A significant curvature of the nasal septum in the cartilage and bone on both sides was diagnosed, and as a complication, a disease called vasomotor rhinitis.

What is vasomotor rhinitis? Vasomotor rhinitis is a disease associated with impaired regulation of tone in the blood vessels of the nasal concha. In normal conditions, blood vessels control the volume of air entering the body, increasing or decreasing due to blood filling the mucous membrane depending on air humidity and temperature, and body position.

If this function is disturbed, the vessels are constantly blood-filled, and there is no outflow from them, which further increases the volume of the nasal mucosa, its hypertrophy, and, as a result, constant swelling and impaired nasal breathing.

Types of vasomotor rhinitis:

- Drug-induced (caused by decongestants or medications for oral administration);

- hormonal (during pregnancy, puberty, diseases of the endocrine system)

- reflex (food, cold, etc.);

- psychogenic (associated with emotional stress);

- idiopathic (of unknown nature);

- defects of the nasal septum;

- mixed.

The patient had a history of nasal injury more than 10 years ago, after which the above symptoms began to appear.

Surgical intervention was performed: endoscopic septoplasty and additional radio wave vasotomy of the lower nasal concha with lateropexy.

Nasal vasotomy is a surgical treatment. It (vasotomy) involves the destruction of the blood vessels of the lower nasal concha. This reduces swelling and eliminates all symptoms associated with it.

We use radiofrequency vasotomy because this method has many advantages. The submucosa is affected by a powerful radio wave that is harmless to the body, and the local effect is that the vessels are "sealed" without bleeding, do not damage the mucous membrane or other structures of the nose, but act locally on the vessels and reduces the volume of the mucosa, which restores nasal breathing.

The surgery was performed by Anton Petrov, an otolaryngologist at the surgical department of the hospital of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chernihiv Oblast" Anton Petrov.




(с) 2024

Doctor appointment