Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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How to prevent cholera disease

Although no cases of cholera have been reported in Ukraine to date, it is important to be aware of it to prevent its occurrence and spread. Cholera is an acute infectious human disease that is accompanied by frequent diarrhea and vomiting. The body becomes very dehydrated. The general condition of the patient is serious.

The source of infection is a sick person or a vibrio carrier without symptoms. They shed cholera vibrios in their excretions, which contaminate food and household items. The cause of infection is flies that transmit cholera vibrios to food. Vibrios can remain viable for about two weeks in a reservoir and well, milk, butter, and at low temperatures - much longer, and in seawater - for about a month.

Signs of the disease (diarrhea, vomiting) appear in two to three days, sometimes only a few hours or four to five days. Diarrhea starts first, followed by vomiting. The stools quickly take on the appearance of rice broth, and the vomit is a cloudy whitish liquid. As diarrhea and vomiting increase, weakness increases, dizziness and a feeling of heaviness in the chest occur, and the body temperature usually does not rise, and may even drop slightly. The patient's face has a characteristic appearance: the eyes and cheeks sunken, the nose sharpened, the skin becomes flabby and cold, and the voice is raspy, quiet, and after a while - silent. The patient feels very thirsty, but the fluid they drink is immediately vomited out. Pain and cramps appear in the muscles of the arms and legs. Urine stops being passed. This condition lasts for a day or two. After that, the person begins to recover or the disease progresses and death occurs.

There are often cases when cholera has a so-called erased form: it is accompanied by mild diarrhea. Patients do not even seek medical help, and this is very dangerous for others.

First of all, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands before eating, store food properly, wash and pour boiling water over fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and do not drink raw milk. When going out of town, take good quality drinking water with you. Prevent flies from entering the premises, as they can be a carrier of cholera.

Do not swim in non-flowing water bodies. When bathing in a clean, running body of water, try not to swallow the water.

Cholera vibrio is very sensitive to weak acid solutions. Therefore, slightly acidify the water with lemon juice before drinking.   

Important!!! Pass this information on to your colleagues and family!!!

If you suspect cholera, CALL the hotline of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv region" tel. 0931061658 (round the clock),

or to the registry office tel. 5-68-12 (Mon-Fri. from 8.00 to 18.00; Sat. from 9.00 to 12.00),

or visit your family doctor.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment